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TUNGSRAM HMLI 160W Self-ballasted High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamp
Lampe à vapeur de mercure mixte

Mercury-blended lamps mix the blue-rich light of the mercury burner (80 W) with the red-rich radiation from a tungsten filament (80 W), which is also used as a resistive ballast.

Life: 5,000 - 8,000 hours.

Thanks to Péter Horváth (Fénymúzeum – Museum of Electrical Lighting and Industrial History, Hungary) who donated this lamp.


TUNGSRAM HMLI 160W Self-ballasted High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamp

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 16.7 cm • 6" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 75 mm • 3"

TUNGSRAM HMLI 160W Self-ballasted High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamp

TUNGSRAM HMLI 160W Self-ballasted High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamp


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