Sample tube for neon signs
Échantillon de tube pour enseignes lumineuses
Röhrenprobe für Leuchtreklamen
This tube is made of Noviol glass, and is filled with mercury and argon to produce a green light used in illuminated signs. It is uncommon now, but was used more in the golden days of neon signage in the 1950s/60s. Even then it was specialty, as it is much more expensive than clear glass.
Noviol refers to a type of glass developed by the Corning Glass Works in New York. Due to its composition. this glass has a characteristic yellow tint; UV radiation is blocked. It was successfully used prior to 1920 in automobile headlamp lenses.
Neon makers would have little travel suitcases that would have 10-15 of such tubes in it along with a power supply, you could just plug in the suitcase and show off what colors you have to offer a potential customer.
Thanks to Jared Cravens for providing data on this tube.

Longueur • Length • Länge : 356 mm • 14"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 16 mm • 5/8"

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