Teltron TEL 534 Fine Beam Tube
Tube à faisceau électronique filiforme
A fine beam tube consists of a spherical glass plunger filled with noble gas under low pressure.
An electron gun inside the tube (cathode, control grid and anode) generates a beam of electrons.
The beam stimulates gas molecules to the emission of light, whereby the beam becomes visible within the tube.
The magnetic field of two Helmholtz coils forces the electrons onto a circular path that allows us to determine
the specific charge e/m.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
Video on YouTube: Teltron Fine Beam Tube

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 24,5 cm • 9" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 12,5 cm • 4" 7/8

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