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3B Scientific Mercury Franck-Hertz Tube U8482170
Tube de Franck-Hertz au mercure

Manufactured by • Fabriqué par • Hergestellt von : 3B Scientific, Hamburg, Germany

The Franck–Hertz experiment was a physics experiment that provided support for the Bohr model of the atom, a precursor to quantum mechanics. In 1914, the German physicists James Franck and Gustav Ludwig Hertz sought to experimentally probe the energy levels of the atom. They were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1925 for this work.

This didactic tube is used to replicate this experiment and demonstrate how atoms can be excited by collisions with electrons to reveal the properties of quantum mechanics.


3B Scientific Mercury Franck-Hertz Tube

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 16,5 cm • 6" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 27 mm • 1" 1/10

3B Scientific Mercury Franck-Hertz Tube

3B Scientific Mercury Franck-Hertz Tube

3B Scientific Mercury Franck-Hertz Tube


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