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LD Didactic 555626 Electron diffraction tube
Tube pour la diffraction d’un faisceau d’électrons

For demonstrating the wave nature of electrons by diffraction on a polycrystalline graphite grid (Debye-Scherrer interference) and observing the interference rings on the phosphorescent screen, confirmation of the de Broglie equation by determining the wavelength at different anode voltages.

• Electron gun: connection via tube stand
• Filament (direct): 6.3 V/ 1.5 A
• Anode voltage: 2.5 ... 5 kV
• Distance between lattice planes in the graphite: 123 pm, 213 pm
• Distance between graphite grid and screen: 13.5 cm
• Diameter of screen: 90 mm

Instruction sheet
Diffraction of electrons in a polycrystalline lattice

Mode d’emploi
Méthode Debye Scherrer

Elektronenbeugung an einem polykristallinen Gitter


LD Didactic 555626 Electron diffraction tube

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 23,2 cm • 9" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 90 mm • 3" 1/2

LD Didactic 555626 Electron diffraction tube

LD Didactic 555626 Electron diffraction tube

LD Didactic 555626 Electron diffraction tube

LD Didactic 555626 Electron diffraction tube


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