Ophthos Electrodeless Thorium Iodide Discharge Lamp
Lampe à excitation haute fréquence (Iodure de thorium)
Hochfrequenz Elektrodenlose Lampe (Thoriumjodid)
Ophthos Instrument Co., Rockville, Maryland, USA.
Application: microwave spectroscopy.
For many purposes, especially the measurement of the very rich rare-earth spectra, a source is needed which gives a large number of standards, evenly distributed throughout the spectrum. W.F. Meggers suggested in 1955 that thorium was eminently suited to this purpose. In addition to having a very large number of lines well-distributed between 2700 and 7000 Å, thorium occurs naturally as a single, even-even isotope (Z=90, A=232) so that its lines are entirely free from hyperfine structure and isotope shifts.
The tube contains a few milligrams of thorium iodide and pure helium gas at a pressure of 5 mm of Hg or less. The discharge is initiated by a Tesla coil, and maintained by coupling with a 2450 MHz microwave power generator (up to 125 W).

Longueur • Length • Länge : 123 mm • 1/2"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 12 mm • 1/2"

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