Miltec H+ Bulb 380-00202 UV Lamp 300 WPI
Lampe UV à excitation haute fréquence
Elektrodenlose UV-Lampe
Manufactured by • Fabriqué par • Hergestellt von : Miltec UV, Stevensville, MD (USA).
Miltec’s electrodeless H+ type UV bulb is made for 10 inch 300 or 375 Watt per inch microwave powered UV curing systems. The H+ bulb is a medium pressure Mercury vapor bulb that produces a range of light output from a conventional Mercury spectrum, which includes light wavelengths distributed across the entire UV range. The H+ bulb is very similar to the H bulb, except the H+ bulb produces about 10% more light in the UVC range, which is effective in achieving good surface cure properties.

Longueur • Length • Länge : 16 cm • 6" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 11 mm • 3/8"

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