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SCOPHONY P18 Stroboscopic Light Source
Lampe stroboscopique

Scophony, Ltd. was a London based company involved with pre-war television and the BBC, and publicised in a post-war trade advert as “in the design and construction of optical, mechanical, electrical and electronic instruments, including stroboscopes”.

This stroboscope lamp was used in their “Photic Stimulator” (1950), used at Burden Neurological Institute with EEG recorder and EEG averagers to investigate epilepsy as well as the way the healthy brain processes stimuli. Flashes of blue-white light with a time constant of 15 microseconds were produced singly or repetitively up to a rate of about 30 flashes per second by the discharge of a capacitor through a xenon lamp. The peak intensity of the flash was about 88,000 candles.


SCOPHONY P18 Stroboscopic Light Source

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 13,1 cm • 5" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 26 mm • 1"

SCOPHONY P18 Stroboscopic Light Source

SCOPHONY P18 Stroboscopic Light Source


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