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PEK Labs Ultrafast Nanosecond Flashlamp PEK 118
Lampe flash nanoseconde

This lamp is an extremely high speed strobe tube used for calibration of photomultipliers and APD detectors or extreme speed high gain photographic uses. It is a xenon filled flash lamp designed to fire pulses down to about 2nS using an avalanche transistor array or a krytron tube based pulser. The HV connector is made for very low inductance.

Manufactured by • Fabriqué par • Hergestellt von : PEK Labs, Inc. - Sunnyvale, California


PEK 118 Nanosecond Flashlamp

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 52 mm • 2"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 20 mm • 8/10"

PEK 118 Nanosecond Flashlamp

PEK 118 Nanosecond Flashlamp

PEK 118 Nanosecond Flashlamp


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