Импульсная лампа ИСШ-400
ISSh-400 Xenon Stroboscopic Lamp
Lampe stroboscopique
Blitzröhre (Stroboskop-Lichtquelle)
Used for fast shutter camera, laser pumping, and as flashlight on airplanes.
Energy of discharge: 0.12 J
Operating voltage: 5000 V
Average power: 375 W
Flash illumination: at least 0.08 cd/s
Pulse length: 0,0008 ms
Frequency flashes: 3000 Hz
Service life: 10,000 flashes
Peak ignition pulse voltage: 8 kV
Ignition voltage: 3 kV
Self-breakdown voltage: 7 kV
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

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