Ediswan Capped Starter for 5ft Fluorescent Lamp (M.C.F.)
Starter pour tube fluorescent
Starter für Leuchtstofflampe
This is an early thermal switch for fluorescent lamps, sometimes abbreviated to MCF (M=Mercury, C=Low Pressure, F=Fluorescent).
In contrast with glow switches (now the only ones used), which are “open” when the circuit is not in operation, a thermal switch is normally “closed”.

The contact is made and broken by means of a bimetallic strip; when the lamp circuit is closed, current flows through the lamp electrodes and also through the heater wire G in the starter. This heats the bimetallic strip which deflects and opens the contacts. When the lamp strikes, lamp current passes through G and the heat thus developed is sufficient to keep the contacts open.
One disadvantage of this kind of starter is that when the lamp is extinguished, the starter is not immediately ready for re-ignition; the thermal lag makes it necessary to wait a little time for the contacts to close again. The consumption of power by the heater wire whilst the lamp is burning is another drawback.
Furthermore, this type of starter has never been popular, because it involves four connections and complicates the wiring of the circuit.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 59 mm • 2" 3/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 18 mm • 11/16"

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