PHILIPS S10 Ecoclick Starter 4-65W 220-240V~
Glow switch starter for fluorescent lamps
Starter à effluves pour lampes fluorescentes
Glimmstarter für den Betrieb von Leuchtstofflampen
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 38 mm • 1" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 21 mm • 13/16"

A glow switch starter consists of a gas-filled glass tube containing two electrodes, one of which is, in effect, a bimetallic strip. The latter is made of two thin layers of metal having widely different coefficients of expansion, in consequence of which expansion the strip deflects when heated. When a sufficiently high voltage is applied to the starter, a glow discharge occurs and the heat thus developed causes the bimetallic strip to deflect and close an electrical contact. This extinguishes the discharge, the strip then cools down, breaks contact and ignites the lamp; should the starter fail to produce the desired result the first time, the process is repeated.
The glow-starter tube is mounted in a small cylindrical box fitted with two contacts and containing also a small capacitor to suppress any radio interference caused by the lamp.

Here are the different phases of the lighting of a fluorescent tube once 220 volts is applied to it by closing the switch:
1) The discharge in the starter heats up the bimetallic strip, which deforms and comes into contact with the other electrode.
2) Then, an entirely metallic circuit is formed (AE1SE2B), which has the effect of allowing the current to flow through the electrodes of the lamp, which in turn heat up, and of suppressing the discharge in the starter, which cools down: the bimetallic strip therefore returns to its initial position and cuts the circuit.
3) The sudden variation of the magnetic flux caused by this cut in the induction coil causes an overvoltage, which initiates the discharge in the lamp.
4) The current flows between the electrodes of the lamp. The potential difference between E1 and E2 stabilizes at about 100 volts, an insufficient value to re-ignite the starter: the E1SE2 circuit therefore remains cut.
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