PRESSLER DZL 2525 Glimmlicht Oszillographenröhre nach Gehrcke
Gehrcke Cathode Glow oscillograph
Oscillographe de Gehrcke
A precursor to the modern oscilloscope, an apparatus built in the early 1900s for the visual study of
alternating current characteristics. In operation, the cathode is covered for part of its length with a blue glow,
the coverage depending on the applied voltage. The distance that the glow extends along the electrode is a function
of the instantaneous value of the potential of the electrode. When an alternating potential difference of 750 to 1500
volts is used, and the electrodes are viewed in a rotating mirror, the potential wave form is clearly seen.

Longueur • Length • Länge : 28,5 cm • 11" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 3 cm • 1" 3/16

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