Спектральная лампа с полым катодом типа ЛСП-1 Cd
Hollow Cathode Lamp LSP-1 (Cadmium)
Lampe à cathode creuse
This lamp is notable for the fact that it does not have 2 electrodes, like most hollow cathode lamps, but there is also an additional igniting third electrode, connected through a resistor to the cathode.
Ignition voltage: 500 V max.
Discharge voltage: 300 V max.
Analytical lines: 228.8 nm
Discharge current: 25 mA
Heating time: 30 minutes
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 17,5 cm • 6" 7/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 39 mm • 1" 1/2

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