FANAL 8V 0,5A Lampe à usage scientifique
Lamp for scientific purposes
Glühlampe für wissenschaftliche Zwecke
FANAL - S.A. Fabrique Nationale de Lampes électriques Enghien & Bruxelles (Belgique) constituée en 1919.
Application/Use: Oscillograph source.
The oscillograph has long been a useful instrument in the analysis of electric currents of all sorts, and also as an instrument of sound-analysis, particularly in cases where fine differences in timbre are important determinants of the tone-quality.
The filament of the lamp is kept straight by a spring. This geometry allows the light to be imaged well on the entrance slit of the instrument.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 130 mm • 5" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 32 mm • 1" 1/4

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