Film studio lamp
Lampe pour studios de cinéma

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 30 cm • 11" 8/10
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 20,5 cm • 8" 1/10

This lamp contains an abrasive powder to be used for removing the black deposit from the bulb
whenever the lamp has discolored from burning.
Des cristaux de tungstène permettent de nettoyer la lampe en la secouant, afin de diminuer
l'absorption due au noircissement interne.
Wolframpulver dient dazu den Glaskolben bei einer Schwärzung zu reinigen.
“At intervals during life remove lamp from socket, tip it so the cleaning powder collects on
the darkened area of the bulb, then with a circular or back and forth movement of the bulb,
slide the powder around the inner surface until the black deposit is removed. Violent motion
should be avoided as it is advisable to keep powder out of filament coils. Tap the lamp
gently before lighting it to dislodge any powder that may be on the filament.”

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