Goebel Reproduced Lamp, made by Herman J. Jaeger
Reproduction de la lampe de Goebel
Göbel Lampe Nachbau
Heinrich Göbel was born in Springe (near Hannover), Germany in 1818 and died in 1893. He was a precision mechanic and inventor. In 1848, he emigrated to New York City, where he resided until his death, and changed his name to Henry Goebel. He received American citizenship in 1865.
At the age of 36, Goebel was active in experimenting with electricity and the problem of inventing a successful lamp. He is alleged to have made at least four lamps of high resistance, somewhat similar in principle to the original Edison lamp in 1854, but took out no patents on them. He also failed to publish any papers on his findings with high resistance filaments, made of carbonized bamboo.
During the early 1890s, there was much litigation in the courts regarding the incandescent lamp. The Edison Electric Light Company (General Electric Company) brought
infringement suits against many manufacturers, and in 1893 some lamp companies defended
their position by claiming a “Goebel Defense.” Lamps that were purported to have been made by Henry Goebel much earlier than 1872 appeared in the court cases and were
identified by numbers. Reproduced lamps made for use in the court litigations were given
letter identifications.
The lamp presented here was made by Herman J. Jaeger. The date of manufacture is unknown, but the lamp must date from the 1890s. The H. J. Jaeger Company was licensed in 1918 to make both large and miniature lamps. It soon withdrew from the industry.
The filament has unfortunately burned out.
The history of the Goebel lamp is covered in detail in Edward J. Covington, Early Incandescent Lamps.

Longueur • Length • Länge : 153 mm • 6"
Diamčtre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 23.5 mm • 15/16"

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