РН-12-100-2 12В 100ВТ лампа накаливания
MELZ RN12-100-2 12V 100W Light Bulb for Optical Pyrometer
Lampe pour pyromètre optique
Lampe für optisches Pyrometer
Manufactured by • Fabriqué par • Hergestellt von : MELZ (Moscow electro-lamp plant)
Luminous flux: 1750 lm
Average life: 100 h
Made in the USSR (1977)

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 106 mm • 4" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 59 mm • 2" 3/8

Optical pyrometers work as follows: you look through a tube (3) at the heat source you want
to measure. Using a dial (7) attached to a variable resistor (6), you adjust a light filament until it disappears
against the background radiation. At that point, you read the temperature off the meter (9).

US Patent #696916 from 1902: Everett F. Morse's original pyrometer, Apparatus for Gaging Temperatures of Heated Substances.
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