Glühlampe 29V 1000W Kopfverspiegelt - Suchscheinwerfer für Boote
Marine searchlight lamp with top mirror
Lampe pour projecteur de bateau avec réflecteur interne
Unknown manufacturer. • Fabricant inconnu. • Hersteller unbekannt.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 21 cm • 8" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 13 cm • 5" 1/8

Evaporation of tungsten produces blackening of the bulb, which gradually reduces the light from the lamp
during its life. To overcome this problem, a metal gauze screen is mounted above the filament and acts as a collector of the
tungsten vapor, on which it condenses instead of on the bulb. Therefore, this particular bulb must burn in horizontal position,
with the metal screen at the top.

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