ЛГ-75-1 Газовый гелий-неоновый лазер мощностью 25 милливатт
25mW Helium-Neon Laser LG-75-1
Laser hélium-néon
Made in USSR in 1984.
For therapeutic purposes (skin diseases).
Wavelength of laser radiation: at least 632 nm
Spectral composition of the radiation: multimode
Average power of laser radiation: 25 mW
Ready time: 30 minutes
Diameter of the laser beam: not more than 4 mm
Energy divergence of laser radiation: no more than 3 mrad
Relative instability of the average laser radiation power for 8 hours of operation: 2%
Power consumed by the laser: 100 W
Average laser radiation power over an average lifetime: 20 * 10-3 W
Supply Line Voltage: from 196 to 242 V
Discharge current: 19 to 20 mA
Mean time between failures: 2000 h
The radiator is to be replaced: not earlier than 3000 h
Average storage time: 12 years
Thanks to Michel Masset who donated this tube.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge
Longueur • Length • Länge : 109 cm • 42" 7/8

The optical resonator is formed by spherical 1 and flat 2 mirrors fixed in glass cups 3.
Glass cups 3 are rigidly fixed with screws 4 in flanges 5 and 6, and between themselves by three Invar rods 7.
Flanges 5 and 6 are fixed to the Invar rods 7 by screws 8 through washers 9.
The presence of washers 9 makes it possible to change the position of flanges 5 and 6 with mirrors 1 and 2 relative to the axis of the optical resonator by rotating the adjusting screws 8 within a small range.
The gas discharge tube 12 is fixed between the Invar rods, with the help of flanges 10; 13 is the heated cathode 13 and 14 is the anode; it is filled with a mixture of neon and helium.
The ends of the gas discharge tube are grinned at a Brewster angle and closed with exit windows 15.
The space between exit windows 15 and mirrors 1 and 2 are sealed with rubber gaskets 16, pressed by nuts 17 to the glass cups 3.
The optical resonator with its active elements is placed in the protective housing 18 and rigidly fixed therein.
The housing 18 is closed from the ends with covers 19 and 20, which are fastened to the flanges 21 with screws 22.
High and filament voltage to the gas discharge tube 12 are supplied through connector 23.
The radiation output is from the side of the flat mirror 2.
For fastening the device on the body 18, there are brackets 24 with a threaded hole in each of them.

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