SIEMENS RK25 Reflex Klystron
Luftgekühltes Reflexklystron
Klystron reflex
The RK25 is an air-cooled reflex klystron with resonant cavity for use in modulators and
oscillators for frequencies from 3.4 to 4.5 GHz. The klystron delivers an output power of 180 mW.
It was used in telecommunications during the 1960's - 1970's.
Heating: 6.3 V / 1 A - Indirect Heating
Resonator voltage: 310 V
Resonator current: 38 mA
Resonator dissipation: 18 W
Repeller voltage: 0 .. -500 V
Tuning range: 3.4 .. 4.5 GHz
Modulation sensitivity: 1.8 .. 2.7 MHz / V
Electrical bandwidth: 60 MHz
Output power: 175 mW

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 133 mm • 5" 2/10

In this model, the tuning of the klystron cavity is accomplished via a mechanical worm drive
with a micrometer style readout and a fine thread which varies the dimension of the resonant cavity.

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