LMT F2004 (SAL 89) Klystron Amplifier
Amplificateur klystron
Klystron Verstärker
LMT = Le Matériel Téléphonique, Boulogne Billancourt, France.
The SAL-89 electrostatic space-charge-focused klystron amplifier was developed by the Sperry Gyroscope Company. It was first advertised in Electronics, February 1957. This successor of the early type SAL-39 was also licence built by LMT, France, as F2004.
This is a three-cavity tube covering the frequency band from 960 to 1,215 MHz. It was designed primarily for ground-based transmitters used for air-navigation aids such as TACAN (TACtical Air Navigation).
The peak power available from the tube is 25 kW; 30 W of drive power is required, and the efficiency is better than 30%. A control grid generates a Gaussian-shaped pulse to minimize interference between adjacent navigation channels. The grid requires a total voltage swing of only 3.2% of the beam voltage to get full rated power of 25 kW. The duty cycle is 0.025, and the pulse repetition frequency used in the air-navigation-aid application is 7,000 cps.
Heater: 4.2 V • 36 A.
Beam voltage: 17 kV.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 46,5 cm • 18" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 17,5 cm • 6" 7/8

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