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Клистрон отражательный К-73Э
K-73E Reflex Klystron
Klystron reflex

For use as low-power generator in measuring equipment.
• Frequency band: 8563 - 7136 MHz
• Output power: 15 mW at 7136 MHz, 20 mW at 7310 MHz, 35 mW at 8563 MHz
• Filament: 6.3 V • 0.8 - 1.3 A
• Resonator voltage: 300 V
• Reflector negative voltage: 70 - 240 V
• Tuning steepness: 2 MHz/mA
• Tuning range: 25 MHz


K-73E Reflex Klystron

84 x 76 x 42 mm • 3" 1/4 x 3" x 1" 5/8

K-73E Reflex Klystron

K-73E Reflex Klystron

K-73E Reflex Klystron

K-73E Reflex Klystron

K-73E Reflex Klystron


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