TELEFUNKEN RD2Md2 Magnetfeldröhre (Dauerstrich-Magnetron)
Continuous Wave Magnetron
Magnétron en régime continu
This tunable magnetron was used in the following Wehrmacht devices: “Barbara”, “Berlin”, “Euklid”, “Korfu”, “Kornax”, “Niendorf”, “Panorama Z”, “Kettledrum”, “Renner”, “Rotterdam” and “Schornsteinfeger” as well as various measuring and testing devices.
Frequency: 8.5 - 16 cm
Heater: indirect, BaO • 2 V • 0.17 A
Power: ca. 500 mW at 12.5 cm
Anode: 130 V (max. 200) • 20 mA (max. 30)
Magnetic field: 1450 gauss

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 101 mm • 4"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 10 & 21 mm • 3/8" & 13/16"

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