CV1482 British Cavity Magnetron
Magnétron ŕ cavités
Improved version of the CV76D, this magnetron was designed for pulse operation,
not for continuous RF production. The pulse repetition frequency was 500 pulses per second and the
pulse duration ranged from 0.7 to 2 µs. The total anode dissipation was 600 W.
The CV76 and its successor cavity magnetrons formed the basis of centimetric radar
used for A I, ASV, EW, GL, and LORAN centimetric radar and navigational systems.
• Heater = 5 V • 2.6 A
• Nominal frequency = 2965 MHz
• Max. anode dissipation = 600 W
• Peak anode = 27 kV • 35 A
• Peak output power = 450 kW
• Field strength = 2300 oersteds

37 x 74 x 190 mm • 1" 7/16 x 2" 15/16 x 7" 1/2

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