RCA 5652 Twin Vacuum Phototube
Cellule photoélectrique
The RCA-5652 is a unique, twin-type, vacuum photo-tube. It is intended for use in those applications, such as facsimile service, requiring mechanical means for modulating the light input.
Designed to provide a 100 percent modulated carrier for use with a conventional a.c. amplifier, the 5652 has a structure consisting of two, flat, photo-emissive electrodes and a balancing capacitance. The two electrodes alternately serve as cathode and anode on each successive halfcycle when the 5652 is operated with an a.c. voltage source. The balancing capacitance permits adjustment of the carrier output with no incident light essentially to zero or to some predetermined level. Furthermore, by the simple method of orienting the position of the two electrodes with respect to the light source, and thus dividing the amount of incident light between the electrodes, it is easily possible to balance the impedance characteristics of the two electrodes.
The 5652 has very high sensitivity to light sources predominating in blue radiation, and no response to infra-red radiation. It is provided with a non-hydroscopic base to insure high resistance to surface leakage under high humidity conditions.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
• J. R. Shonnard, Facsimile Modulator Tube, Electronics, June 1948.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 70 mm • 2" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 29 mm • 1" 1/8

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