DuMont K1328 14-inch Photomultiplier Tube
Tube photomultiplicateur pour détecteurs Cherenkov
Fotovervielfacher für Cerenkov-Detektoren
When the DuMont Laboratories were asked by the Los Alamos National Laboratory to make what at the
time would be the largest photomultiplier in the world, they took a 16" Metal CRT (see
FAIRCHILD DuMont 12AGP7 Metal Cone CRT)
and replaced the phosphor on the faceplate
with a photocathode and then took the rearend of a regular PMT (they made those too), and put it where the electron gun would
have gone. The result was ugly, but it worked and LANL bought a lot of them. The Lab used these PMT's in the pulse mode which
means they grounded the cathode and put a few KV on the anode/dynode string. Good idea, as the entire metal shell is at cathode
They have been used in liquid scintillators developed for the observation of the extensive air showers
in cosmic rays.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: K1328.pdf
• B.R. Linden et al., Development of DuMont Photomultipliers Tubes, United States Atomic Energy Commission, December 1955.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 33 cm • 1' - 1"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 40,5 cm • 1' - 3" 9/10

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