Developmental magnetic-type ten-stage photomultiplier
Tube photomultiplicateur
By October 1935, Vladimir Zworykin, George Ashmun Morton, and Louis Malter, all of RCA in Camden, NJ,
reported on a multistage photomultiplier. The principal contemplated application was sound-on-film pickup.
Their tube used a combination of electrostatic and magnetic fields to direct electrons from stage to stage.
Although the magnetic-type multiplier provided high gain, it had several difficulties. The adjustment of
the magnetic field was very critical, and to change the gain by reducing the applied voltage, the
magnetic field had also to be adjusted. Another problem was that its rather wide open structure resulted
in high dark current because of feedback from ions and light developed near the output end of the device.
For these reasons, and because of the development of electrostatically focused photomultipliers,
commercialization did not follow.
• Secondary Emission Electron Multipliers, in electronics, November 1935.
• V. K. Zworykin, G. A. Morton, and L. Malter, The Secondary Emission Multiplier. A New Electronic Device, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Volume 24, Number 3, March, 1936.
Thanks to Charles Osborne for providing data on this tube.
See also:
RCA Experimental 6-Stage Phototube (these 2 tubes come from the same batch).

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 25 cm • 9" 8/10
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 35 mm • 1" 4/10

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