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E.M.I. Experimental 14-stage photomultiplier Type G26G2-15
Tube photomultiplicateur

The part number is not fully legible, but does not follow the same character pattern as EMI production part numbers. This tube has a restricted area photocathode and a special entrance window of unknown composition.


E.M.I. Experimental 14-stage photomultiplier Type G26G2-15

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 15 cm • 5" 15/16
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 52 mm • 2"

E.M.I. Experimental 14-stage photomultiplier Type G26G2-15

E.M.I. Experimental 14-stage photomultiplier Type G26G2-15

E.M.I. Experimental 14-stage photomultiplier Type G26G2-15


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