PerkinElmer C 1373 Channel Photomultiplier (CPM)
Multiplicateur d'électrons à canaux
Kanalelektronenvervielfacher (KEV)
A channel photomultiplier is built as a funnel of glass coated inside with a thin film of semi-conducting
material, with negative high voltage applied at the wider input end, and positive voltage near ground applied at the narrower
output end. Electrons emitted at any point are accelerated a modest distance down the funnel before impacting the surface,
perhaps on the opposite side of the funnel. At the destination end a separate electrode (anode) collects the multiplied
electrons. Compared to the photomultipliers with discrete dynodes, it is simpler to feed and more compact.
• Channel Photomultipliers & Modules
Thanks to Piotr Schyroki who donated this tube.

Longueur • Length • Länge : 83 mm • 3" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 15 mm • 9/16"

Principle of operations

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