J304βγ Geiger-Müller Counter Tube
Compteur Geiger-Müller sensible aux rayonnements Bêta et Gamma
The J304βγ China-made glass modern GM tube is very sensitive to both Gamma and Beta radiation. It has a screw-type base for easy mounting in a Geiger counter. It uses a metalized film coating on the inside of the glass envelope as the cathode. It became quite popular in Japan, especially after the 2011 Fukushima disaster. This all-around tube is used in a variety of popular commercially employed handheld portable and laboratory Geiger counters.
Gamma sensitivity: 0.1 MeV
Working voltage: 360 - 440 V
Recommended working voltage: 380 V
Max. starting voltage: 350 V
Plateau length: 360-440 V
Max. plateau slope: 0.125 %/V
Limit working voltage: 600 V
Max. background: 25 counts/min
Temperature: -40 ... 55°C
Life expectancy: 109 pulses

Longueur • Length • Länge : 90 mm • 3" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 10 mm • 3/8"

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