Geiger-Müller Tube P115 with glass end-window
Tube compteur de rayonnement à fenêtre en verre
Unknown manufacturer. • Fabricant inconnu. • Hersteller unbekannt.
This tube looks like an early Geiger-Müller tube used for counting beta rays and low energy x-rays.
The inverted bulb at the end is made very thin to pass those rays. Later tubes like it have mica windows which are
stronger for the same transparency. This tube is an uncommon specimen of heroic craftsmanship; the glass is bulged in
to protect it because it is so thin that just touching it with a finger would break it.
Aucune information disponible. Toute aide est bienvenue !
No information available. Any help welcome!
Keine Information verfügbar. Jede Hilfe willkommen!

Longueur • Length • Länge : 19,3 cm • 7" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 32 mm • 1" 1/4

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