20th Century Electronics Ltd 40EB70/50/G BF3 proportional counter (Neutron Detector)
Détecteur proportionnel d'ionisation à gaz (détecteur de neutrons)
Bortrifluorid-Zählrohre (Neutronendetektor)
For the detection of slow neutrons in the energy range below 0.5 eV.
Neutrons always produce secondary gamma-rays by interacting either with detector materials or with surrounding
materials. In the BF3 proportional counter, BF3 gas acts as both a proportional gas and
a neutron detection material.
This neutron detector was produced by 20th Century Electronics in England. The company began
manufacturing BF3 counters in the early 1950s.
In the model number "40EB70/50/G," the EB refers to "enriched boron trifluoride" (the
BF3 is enriched in 10B); the 50 refers to the tube diameter in mm.
Nominal efficiency of 73 counts s-1 (unit thermal neutron flux)-1.

Click to enlarge
Longueur • Length • Länge : 58,5 cm • 23"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 51 mm • 2"

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