RCA C7154 High-Current Photocell
Photodétecteur de rayons gamma
This phototube, which has a large dynamic range and is capable of high current output, was used in the
Lady Godiva devices I (1951) and II (1957),
experimental tools in neutron pulse irradiation investigations. These devices were unshielded
pulsed nuclear reactors originally situated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), New Mexico, U.S.
For studying the over-all burst shape, where power levels of interest extended over four decades, the
RCA C7154 photocell was employed with 3 gal of liquid scintillator as the flux sensitive material. The scintillator
(diphenylhexatriene in a saturated solution of terphenyl in toluene) responded to both gamma and neutron radiation.
In the region of operation, the anode current of the RCA C7154 was linear from zero to 20 amp. The container for this counter
was mounted on the Godiva framework. Output current from this counter was fed into a 400-ohm resistor in the control room
where the voltage across it was applied to the vertical amplifiers of four oscilloscopes in parallel, each one equipped with
a camera with automatic shutter. Linear horizontal sweeps of different sweep rates combined with different vertical amplifications
in the oscilloscopes served to provide a complete record of a burst over three decades in time and four in amplitude.
Thanks to Charles Osborne for his help in acquiring this tube.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 39 cm • 15" 3/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 10 cm • 3" 15/16

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