PHILIPS 1174 Single-Anode Rectifying Valve, mercury vapour and gas filled
Tube redresseur monoplaque à vapeur de mercure et à gaz
Einanodige Gleichrichterröhre mit Quecksilberdampf- und Gasfülling
The 1174 can be used in industrial rectifiers feeding, for example, small D.C. motors or electromagnets, in battery chargers and similar equipment.
To facilitate the ignition of the tube, it has been provided with an auxiliary ignition electrode, which should be connected to an auxiliary D.C. source.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 21,5 cm • 8" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 75 mm • 3"

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