HASLER Ein-anodige, gittergesteuerte Quecksilberdampf-Gleichrichterröhre AR63 (Excitron)
Single-anode, Grid-controlled Mercury Arc Rectifier
Redresseur à anode unique à arc de mercure et à grille de commande
Hasler AG was founded in Switzerland (Bern) in 1909 and dealed mainly with components and telephone systems. With the increasing importance of broadcasting, Hasler concluded a license agreement with Marconi Wireless & Telephone for the construction of large-scale broadcasting stations in Switzerland in 1936, drawing on the corresponding tubes of the series “CAT” and “ACT” by Marconi broadcasting equipment. Towards the end of the war, his subsidiary “Favag” began to regenerate transmitter tubes. Shortly after WWII, Hasler also acquired the rights to build transmitter tubes from Marconi.
The AR63 is a single-anode, grid-controlled mercury vapor rectifier tube, called “Excitron”. Mainly used in three-phase full-wave rectifier systems, it serves the high voltage supply of transmitter power stages. The development of the Excitrons at EEV already goes back to the first post-war years.
The tube consists of a robust glass cylinder with metal-glass feedthroughs for anode, cathode and auxiliary electrodes. The nickel-cobalt steel bushings are matched in terms of coefficient of expansion to the glass used.
The main and ignition anodes are made of graphite. The Excitron has no heating, the pond cathode consists of about 20 cc of mercury. The cathode is externally provided with a heat sink. The dissipation of heat occurs via compressed air.
The AR63 is triggered by a movable auxiliary electrode, which is actuated by a separate auxiliary circuit with an external electromagnet. During the blocking phase, a separately fed auxiliary arc ensures a perfect re-ignition between the cathode and main anode.
With a blocking voltage of 14 kV, the AR63 can be permanently loaded with 3.3 A. The voltage drop (at full load) is only about 15 V.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 37,5 cm • 14" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 88 mm • 3" 1/2

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