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0,85Б5,5-12 Бареттер
0,85B5,5-12 Ballast Tube (Iron-Hydrogen resistor)
Lampe ballast (Régulateur Fer-Hydrogène)

Anod Manufactured by Anod, Dyatkovo, Russia (Анод, Дятьково).

Initial stabilization voltage: 5.5 V
Final stabilization voltage: 12 V
Initial stabilization current: 0.78 A
Final stabilization current: 0.92 A
Durability: 10,000 hours

Thanks to Kalle Beljaev who donated this tube.


0,85B5,5-12 Ballast Tube (Iron-Hydrogen resistor)

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 91 mm • 3" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 30 mm • 1" 1/8

0,85B5,5-12 Ballast Tube (Iron-Hydrogen resistor)

0,85B5,5-12 Ballast Tube (Iron-Hydrogen resistor)

0,85B5,5-12 Ballast Tube (Iron-Hydrogen resistor)


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