SYLVANIA Type 19A Miniature Resistance Lamp
Lampe régulatrice
The 19A, 20A, 21A-21D, and 22A resistance lamps were developed at Kansas City between 1967 and 1978. They were the smallest resistance lamps made; bulb height was 1"1/8, sealed on a T6-½ miniature stem. The pins of 19A, 20A, 21A, 21C, and 22A were silver-plated and then solder-tinned for circuit-board mounting. The 21B and 21D were plug-ins with plain nickel pins.
The 19A-22A resistance lamps were developed by W.S. Rezin and Bernard Magers, at the request of, and to test specifications provided by, Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Tungsten filament, nitrogen fill. Drops 1-40 V at 70-300 mA. Used in crossbar toll switching.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 30 mm • 1" 3/16
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 20 mm • 13/16"

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