Quecksilberschaltrelais STATEX III/63 Gasdruck 220/10
Mercury Relay Tube
Relais à mercure
VEB Statex Ilmenau, Deutschland.
Schalten bis zu 10 A mit hoher Zuverlässigkeit. Verwendung hauptsächlich eingebaut für die Thermostatierung von Trockenschränken.
Switching up to 10 A with high reliability. Mainly used for the thermostatting of drying ovens.
The switch consists of two sections. One section with the heater and the second section for switching the electrical connection. The first section works like a light bulb; when lit, the mercury is moved by the hot air pressure to the second section, breaking a contact between two wires.

94 x 78 mm • 3" 3/4 x 3" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 38 mm • 1" 1/2

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