CLARE HG1004 Mercury Wetted Contact Relay
Relais à contact mouillé au mercure
Quecksilber-benetztes Relais
A mercury-wetted relay consists of mercury contacts held within a hermetically sealed steel body. This makes the unit resistant to corrosion, water, dust, breakage, and extreme temperatures. The unit's unique configuration protects the contacts from external arcing.
One application of mercury-wetted relays is in high speed analogue to digital switching. The mercury in the relay (only a small amount) would “wet” the contacts and allow fast contact closure without “bounce” and fast opening without possible arcing. Since the mercury is a good liquid conductor it allows fast opening and closing of the relay contacts as it is the mercury droplets on the contacts which do the work. Only issue is that the relays must be mounted in the correct orientation.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
Thanks to Jérôme Prévost who donated this tube.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 80 mm • 3" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 28 mm • 1" 1/8

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