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Sylvania SA-541 Krytron

A krytron is a high speed, high current gas filled tube, somewhat similar to a cold-cathode thyratron. It consists of a sealed glass tube with four electrodes. The fourth terminal is a “keep alive” electrode that maintains a glow discharge in the tube at all times. A small triggering pulse on the grid electrode switches the tube on, allowing a large current to flow between the cathode and anode electrodes. There is also a small amount of radioactive 63Ni in the tube, which helps further stabilize the propagation delay. Krytrons were used on the early atomic bombs, and on other mundane applications like copy machine flash triggers.

Internal marking: 7CQ-181.

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Sylvania SA-541 Krytron

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 29 mm • 1" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 18 mm • 11/16"

Sylvania SA-541 Krytron

Sylvania SA-541 Krytron

Sylvania SA-541 Krytron


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