Emerson Multivalve “Three-in-One”
Triple Triode Tube
In March 1927, a company named the Emerson Rad Val Corp. of New York marketed a 3-in-1 tube known as the Emerson Multivalve type E.M.V.-3A. This tube has three small cylindrical electrode assemblies each having an axial filament. The filaments are series-connected, and operates with 0.25 ampere at 5.0 volts. A standard S-14 size bulb is used, together with a standard 4-pin UX base. The base is modified by the addition of a flange or collar which carries four screw terminals, giving a total of eight external connections. The plates can be fed with 45 to 135 volts and the tube serves for detection, oscillation and AF amplification.
The manufacturer of the Multivalve was the Cleartron Vacuum Tube Company.
The Multivalve tube is known to have been used in a receiver marketed under the name “Baby Emerson” and also in one made by the Standard Radio Corp. of Worcester, Mass., under the name “Standardyne”.
The tube had a short commercial life. Radio News carried its last ad for the Emerson Multivalve in September 1927.
1927 Advertising • Publicité • Reklame:

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 117 mm • 4" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 45 mm • 1" 3/4

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