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HALTRON 6BN6 Gated-Beam Discriminator
Tube discriminateur à faisceaux commutés
FM-ZF Begrenzerröhre

The HALTRON brand was part of the British company Hall Electric company that distributed tubes and electronic components in the United Kingdom. They bought tubes from all European factories and also from Japan in very large batches, sometimes selecting them and sometimes just marking and packing them in their own containers. Haltron had a contract to supply the British Ministry of Defence, in which case the tubes were selected according to the MOD standard through its test facilities.

The 6BN6 was designed primarily to form the combined operations of the limiter, discriminator, and audio-voltage amplifier in FM and intercarrier television receivers. It may be used as a limiter or sync-clipper.

Dr. Robert Adler, The 6BN6 Gated Beam Tube. The Laboratory Prototype And Its Circuit Applications, Proc. of the National Electronics Conference, Vol. V, September 1949.

Allen P. Haase, The 6BN6 Gated Beam Tube. The Commercial Realization Of The 6BN6, Proc. of the National Electronics Conference, Vol. V, September 1949.

Gated-Beam Discriminator, from RECEIVERS, Manual No. FC-141-1, Federal Aviation Agency, 1965.

Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: 6BN6.pdf


HALTRON 6BN6 Gated-Beam Discriminator

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 66 mm • 2" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 17 mm • 11/16"

HALTRON 6BN6 Gated-Beam Discriminator

HALTRON 6BN6 Gated-Beam Discriminator

HALTRON 6BN6 Gated-Beam Discriminator

HALTRON 6BN6 Gated-Beam Discriminator

From Applications of the 6BN6 Gated Beam Tube, Thesis by Alfred W. Zinn, June 1956.


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