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Потенциалоскоп ЛН-9
Radar Storage Tube type LN-9 (Potentialoscope)
Tube à mémoire

Designed for intermittent subtraction of pulse signals with input signals duration from 0.4 to several microseconds and forward sweep duration, equal to 1250 durations of the input signal.
Used in radioelectronic equipment for special purposes.
Electrostatic focusing and electromagnetic beam deflection.
Collector current: not less than 15-48 μA.


LN-9 Radar Storage Tube

Longueur • Length • Länge : 36,5 cm • 1' 2" 4/10
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 11 cm • 4" 3/10

LN-9 Radar Storage Tube

LN-9 Radar Storage Tube

LN-9 Radar Storage Tube

LN-9 Radar Storage Tube


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