EFRATOM LPRO-101 Rubidium Frequency Standard 10 MHz
Oscillateur à fréquence étalon de référence au rubidium
Rubidium oscillator for time and frequency reference (atomic clock).
Efratom Elektronik was established in 1971 in Munich (Germany) by Gerhard Hübner and Ernst Jechart. Efratom established a branch in Irvine (California) in 1973 and manufactured compact rubidium frequency standards there for a variety of customers. The firm became a division of Ball Aerospace in 1982 and then part of Datum in 1995. Symmetricom acquired Datum in 2002.
• William J. Riley, Jr., A History of the Rubidium Frequency Standard.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
LPRO-101_User's_Guide.pdf &

127 x 94 x 38 mm • 5" x 3"3/4 x 1"1/2

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