Диод измерительный 2Д1С
2D1S Measuring Diode for frequencies up to 3000 MHz
Diode de mesure pour des fréquences jusqu'à 3000 Mc/s
Messdiode für Frequenzen bis 3000 MHz
Designed to indicate or measure the power of microwave generators. It can also be used in voltmeter detector heads, but has a low maximum reverse voltage, which limits the range of measured voltages.
Manufacturer: Svetlana, St. Petersburg.
Later replaced by the 6D8D.
Filament: 2.3 V • 400 ± 50 mA
Anode voltage: 5 V
Anode current: 1.6 mA
Anode power: 0.01 W
Warm-up time of the cathode: 30 sec
Max. reverse anode voltage: 100 V
Leakage current anode-cathode: < 5 μA
Capacitance anode-cathode: 0.09 .. 0.45 pF
Expected life (90%): 400 hours
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
Thanks to Kalle Beljaev who donated this tube.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 32 mm • 1" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 20 mm • 13/16"

The heated cathode (1) with its end face, on which the oxide layer is applied, faces the anode (2).
(3) heater pins; (4) cathode pin; (5) anode cap; (6) mica holders; (7) mounting posts; (8) getter.
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