GENERAL ELECTRIC 2B23 Magnetically Controlled Diode
Diode à contrôle magnétique
Magnetisch gesteuerte Diode
Vacuum diode in which the anode current is controlled by a magnetic field supplied by an external solenoid. The action is the same as in a magnetron, where as the magnetic field is increased, the electron stream spirals until it no longer reaches the anode, at which point the valve cuts off sharply.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
• Willis E. Lamb, Jr., and Robert C. Retherford, Fine Structure of the Hydrogen Atom. Part II, Physical Review, Vol. 81, Number 2, January 1951.
The 2B23 was employed in a circuit to stabilise the current applied to a magnetic coil.
• Charles A. Lee, B.P. Fabricand, R.O. Carlson,and I.I. Rabi, Molecular Beam Investigation of Rotational Transitions. I. The Rotational Levels of KC1 and Their Hyperfine Structure, Physical Review, Vol. 91, Number 6, September 1953.
In this paper, the 2B23 is referred to as a cylindrical magnetron diode. In the apparatus, the 2B23 was used operating in the cutoff region to control the frequency of a klystron. An error signal, generated by the beat frequency between a crystal source and the klystron output was fed to the magnetic solenoid round the 2B23, the diode output then controlling the repeller of the klystron.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 79 mm • 3" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 29 mm • 1" 1/8

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