Электронно-полупроводниковая лампа ЭПЛ-1А, «лампистор»
SVETLANA EPL-1A Electronic Semiconductor Lamp, “Lampistor”
Lampe électronique à semi-conducteur
The EPL-1 is a hybrid of an electron vacuum beam lamp and a semiconductor device, intended for the amplification and formation of very short pulses (of the order of a few nanoseconds) with an output power of up to 750 watts.
The “lampistor” is basically a pulse current amplifier, which uses the effect of multiplying the current in a semiconductor; it can be considered as a transistor in which an electron beam plays the role of an element that controls the injection of carriers in a reverse-biased semiconductor p-n junction. Operation is based on the fact that when a semiconductor target, which is a locked p-n junction, is bombarded with an electron beam with an energy of the order of 10 keV, the electron current is multiplied by a factor of hundreds. The electron flow is controlled with a grid, which causes an avalanche breakdown in the diode and the flow of a large anode current, up to 2-3 A.
Unfortunately, this device has a fairly short life of 500-1000 hours: the semiconductor junction deteriorates quite quickly.
The EPL-1A was used in the fast sweep speed oscilloscope S7-19.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
Thanks to Kalle Beljaev who donated this tube.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 65 mm • 2" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 19 mm • 3/4"

1, 2; input • 3, 4: cathode and heater • 5: control grid
6: electron beam • 7: semiconductor target • 8: source cutoff voltage target
9: load resistor • 10, 11: the output of the amplifier • 12: source, which accelerates electrons

S7-19 Oscilloscope
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