MULLARD DDR100 Accelerometer Double Diode
Accéléromètre à double diode avec anodes élastiques en charge
Akzelerometer-Röhre, Duodiode mit elastisch gelagerten Anoden
Type DDR100 accelerometer tube is an all-glass loctal type that may be mounted in any attitude, for the measurement and recording of vibration on aircraft in flight. It is a double diode with anodes elastically supported so that the anode impedance is varied when the tube is subjected to acceleration. In practice, the tube is rigidly clamped to the structure under test and the measurement is expressed in terms of a current change in a Wheatstone bridge circuit of which the anode-cathode impedance of the accelerometer tube forms adjacent arms. The frequency range over which the response to a sinusoidal acceleration can be considered independent of frequency is 0 to 250 cycles. The resonant frequency of the tube is 1 kc and the maximum acceleration range is 100 g.

Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 76 mm • 3"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 27 mm • 1"

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