Radiation and Convection Responsive Thermo-Electric Detector
Détecteur thermoélectrique sensible au rayonnement et à la convection
Strahlungs-und Konvektions-entgegenkommender thermoelektrischer Detektor
Manufactured by • Fabriqué par • Hergestellt von : Fostoria-Fannon, Inc. 1200 N. Main Street 11, Fostoria, OH 44830, USA.
The sensing means comprises a Pyrex bulb and a pair of thermocouples supported by the base and projecting inside the bulb. These thermocouples consist of a pair of wire elements, of which one element of each may be formed from a copper-nickel alloy, such as constantan, while the other element of each may be formed of iron. The elements are joined together by welding to form a hot junction. The loops are blackened by some suitable means for increasing their radiation heat absorption capacity as well as protecting them from oxidation, and are located with their flat surfaces parallel and off-set with respect to each other so as to receive substantially the same radiation normal to their surfaces without shielding one another.
Patent • Brevet : 3,415,448 Dec. 10, 1968

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 145 mm • 5" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 34 mm & 53 mm • 1" 3/8 & 2" 1/8

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